About BBB


Stalking and pimping amazing authors we love and their hot cover models…one book at a time.

One day, a busy wife and mama quit her equally busy corporate marketing manager/writing job to stay home with her four littles. Needing more after just a few days, this gal wanted to blend her love of romance reading, writing, and marketing so she started a blog. Bookalicious Babes Blog (BBB) was born on November 18, 2014. BBB grew and so did its team that now is comprised of six lovely ladies brought together by a love of romance books, and are not only bloggers and bookworms, but friends and family.

What began as a Facebook-only blog page, now is a full-service blog. BBB loves reading romances and exists to connect readers with amazing authors. We want our followers to love these beautiful books as much as we do. BBB loves sharing book reviews, recommendations, sales, freebies, and more from our favorite authors. We are proud to promote established through brand-new romance authors, and especially love to support our Indies.

BBB is so blessed to have the privilege of ‘meeting’ so many wonderful readers and amazingly talented authors with a shared love of reading through this blog. We are thrilled and feel a sense of purpose knowing that we help you, the reader, fall in love with authors we love. That is why we blog.